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Elwood P Dowd

One of my favorite movies growing up takes on an entirety of new meaning as an adult. I was raised on a diet of classic movies. Jimmy, Cary, Audrey, Clark, Greta, Bette… and re watching Harvey for the first time in years.. well.. it was impacting. No longer seeing it through a child’s eyes.. it was like watching it for the first time… and watching as my son watched.. not fully appreciating it.. in time my friends, in time…


“Years ago my mother used to say to me, she’d say, “In this world, Elwood, you must be” – she always called me Elwood – “In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.” Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.” – Elwood P. Dowd, Harvey.


Inspired.. I gathered up Eoghan and Nick.. and we did this little photo shoot.. out takes and all are here.. so enjoy!


Bubbles in the tub

I had to do it.. after all, I am a mama.. and well.. my kids won’t be little for long. I threw them both in grandmas’ garden tub and pulled the camera out.. the fun.. oh the fun! Coraline absolutely loves the water and the bubbles.. and Eoghan .. well, he is a fish.. and thoroughly loved playing with his little sister in the tub.
























































What the family’s been up to…


Fall is here, at least this  week it is… here’s some photos of the family… I need to sit on Nick long enough to get some shots….






A sort of tribute to this little baby who passed … sweet calf….





A little fun in the kitchen

Another childhood favorite of mine, bloomed for the first time in years…

… and since my little girl is soon going to have outgrown her swing.. and being swaddled…

.. and way too much fun in the kitchen…

These photos really brought out both the little monkey’s personalities. I cannot believe how big they are getting.. and yes, I will continue to say it .. for the next 18 or so years.. darn time!

An Ode too Summer

Today is beautiful. The sun is out, the sky is clear, and I can breathe outside. I can smell fall in the air, or maybe that’s just the hurricane. Who knows. This is Eoghan’s second week of kindergarten and the adjustments have been great for all of us. A new schedule to get used to, new things that have to be done, more time here, and less time there… well, you get the point.

Nick started a new job and is now working with Hunter Cattle, and loving every minute of it. I have been busy with photos, organizing, and general get things done and help keep the kids sane. I have spent some time putting together a bit of a goodbye to summer. Well, this is South Georgia so I know this isn’t really the end but, a girl can wish, right?!


Our trips to splash




New kittens at grandma’s house




Our garden out at grandma’s
















Sibling Snuggles











Fun Art Projects





Cute little baby







A busy kitchen





….making lovely meals ( many using veggies from the garden)














Catching rain drops





… while sitting on the porch in the rain





Bow and arrows




Grandpa Tommy’s visit and learning how to build











Cutting with power tools





Playing with dad







Snuggles with mom… sorta










Hot Summer days





And  many’s favorite, WATERMELON









Its the simple things in life that bring the most joy. I am so thankful to Him for a loving husband, two beautiful kids, puppy dog tails, the friends and family that enrich my our life, wholesome foods and two hands in which to help grow them.




A week long of little blessings

I can’t help myself this week. My kids are inevitably growing up.. and I want to treasure every last moment of it. It is in these very small moments that I thank God for my family. For, it is these moments that I want to keep reliving.

Two kids learning the ups and downs of being brother and sister…

A simple and mundane task, made special by a silly outfit and a special little personality…

Fun summer days in my swim suit….

Small hands helping out around the house….

Beloved pets…

And.. watching the simplicity of the garden grow, and blossom…


This past few weeks has been well, stressful. I have a 5 year old son and a 4 month old daughter, whom I am currently breastfeeding about every 3 hours. I am a mother first and foremost doing the balancing act and trying to learn how to be a mama to two of the most wonderful children that I could have ever wished for. On top of that I am a wife, housekeeper, and photographer as well as striving to be a doula. Needless to say the balancing act has been instated for some time now.


I had all aspirations to  homeschool Eoghan this year. Having been homeschooled as a child for about 4 years I am somewhat familar with the concept and of course wanted to instill some of these things in my children. Nick and I have struggled with the decision. I did a lot of research and have learned a lot about what homeschooling is today. As a mother turned teacher in this setting. The task was daunting from the beginning.


This week Nick and I finally decided to send Eoghan to school this year. A little late and last minute as the schools have already started here. As much as I want to be super mom and homeschool Eoghan this year. I just cannot do it. Eoghan is already struggling with the usual jealousy that any child experiences when there is a new sibling in the photo… and I want to give Eoghan the opportunity to go learn new things and make new friends.. and have something to come home and share with Nick and I.


I hope to make the leap into homeschooling next year. Coraline will be older and not needing me every 3 hours to survive (lol) and I will be better prepared for choosing curriculum and what programs that he will or will not participate in.  There is always next year and I can honestly say that after a day or two of feeling like a failure. I am happy with the decision. I am not super mom. I am not a super human. I am just mom.. making the best decision for every one in our family. I think Eoghan will be much happier in school this year.. and it will give me a little bit of time to do all the things that I need to while he is in school.


So.. this week has been full of changes and new approaches. I have been trying to turn my stress into something a lot more beneficial to myself and my family. The week started off in a rather wrong foot when a wasp decided to sting me on Sunday. Having been stung once in my life and having a serious reaction to it.. we were all on guard during the first few hours to see how things would progress. Well, I was fine that evening.. and into the next morning. As the day progressed my hand just kept getting bigger and bigger. The next day I decided to go to the doctor seeing as I was worried that I would lose circulation in my hand. This is what my hand looked like at it’s worst.



So.. after a trip to the doctor and about 4 rounds of prednisone, it is doing much better. I am still keeping an eye on the redness of it. I have an antibiotic to take if I need to.. but, that sort of thing is always a last resort for me.


With Eoghan getting ready to start school..there has been lots of last minute morning play. Mainly with mud and mud puddles. Eoghan has taken to making mud castles since we havn’t ventured to the beach this year.. and has discovered something else fun to do with his “nanny”, Jazzebel who has taken to sleeping in his room every night since Coraline was born.











My handsome little boy is growing up so quickly. As I am playing in the mud with him.. and washing his clothes ( that keep getting bigger and bigger) I just want to slow it all down.. so I can keep reliving these beautiful moments.

Lions and Tigers and Bees.. oh my!

Busy week. After my breastfeeding awareness week I took a little break from serious blogging to well, hang out with my kids.. and have a super, fun, awesome time. This is the first thing we did.. as per Eoghan’s request. Dress up! Cuteness ensues, I warn you!


It’s a beautiful thing to watch both of my children grow up and learn to be siblings. Eoghan takes his job of big brother, very seriously. He has been teaching her how to be a daredevil.. and inspiring all things silly.




My journey nourishing my children

Let’s start with my breastfeeding journey. It all began when I was pregnant with my first child, Eoghan. I knew that I would be breastfeeding.. there was no question about it. I had witnessed one other woman breastfeed my entire life and I was in love with the process. I also knew that it was the best way to nourish my baby.. as well as the way God had given women to feed their children so.. no doubt, I was sold.

I remember Eoghan latching on for the first time. There was nothing strange or creepy about it.. like I had heard many talk about. It felt like the most natural thing I could be doing. My body knew what to do.. I was in love. Well, after our 24 hour stay at the hospital I was sent home with Eoghan.. with a pat on the back and the knowledge that my baby had to eat every 3- 4 hours. They were very addimate about that part. So.. we get home and Eoghan acts like he is starving to death. I nurse him and he eats but still doesn’t seem satisfied. I started questioning everything I was as a mother and as a woman. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong but, I knew it must be something, and it must me my fault. After all, I was his mother. So, I made an appnt with a lactation consultant. Something was wrong with my milk, or so I was convinced of it. Nick and I went to visit with the LC the following day, and after 2 hours I was relieved. It wasn’t me; I hadn’t been doing anything wrong. In fact, my body was doing everything right. My milk just hadn’t come in yet. She watched me nurse Eoghan on each side. Examining his latch and  calculating how long he would nurse on each side. Everything worked just fine. It was just the third day after my delivery and my milk wasn’t in yet. I was sent home with instructions to drink half a Guinness and try to relax. My milk should be in no later than day 5,  and would more than likely come in sooner with the Guinness and less stress. Needless to say.. my milk came in the next day.

I struggled with the usual things any nursing mother has to. Sore nipples, engorgement, and swelling. You know, that feeling you have for the first 2 weeks or so, where you feel like your breasts might pop off. Yes, it was hard.. it hurt like hell.. but was it worth it? You have NO idea. As I now tell most mothers.. if you can just grit your teeth and bare that first week or two.. the experience will forever change your life. I know that it did change mine in the most wonderful of ways.

I was lucky to not have any problems breastfeeding Eoghan. Nothing out of the ordinary. I successfully breastfed him until he weaned himself at 23 months. I never struggled with supply issues. I didn’t get any infections. I was blessed, and I am thankful for that.  It was the most amazing bonding experience to share almost 2 years so close to my son. Spending quality time with him all day every day. Doing something simple that would nourish him so greatly and create a unique bond that would last a lifetime. It did amazing things for him as well. His health was impeccable. He was sick maybe twice that entire two year period. Still to this day has only been really sick a handful of times. One of the many positives that come from breastfeeding.

I am now currently breastfeeding my second child. My daughter, Coraline has been a completely different breastfeeding experience. Just like my pregnancy and delivery were completely different from my first. Again, I was extremely lucky. Within 30 mins of being born, I put her to my breast. She latched on and took to it like an angel. She knew exactly what to do. Having one successful breastfeeding experience under my belt, I was a lot less fearful. I knew what I was doing and I was better prepared for what was to come. By day three, my milk had come in. I had minimal nipple soreness this go round. Maybe it is because I knew what it would feel like or  maybe it is because I was better prepared. Engorgement was about the same but this time I was better prepared to help pump my way through it.

A month after I delivered I had to have surgery. I had two hernias that had to be repaired and my surgeon insisted on sooner rather than later as to avoid possible rupture. I was under the impression that I would be out of commission nursing for one day and then would be able to go right back to it the next day without too much trouble. Boy, was I wrong. I have never experienced so much pain in my entire life. Never having had surgery before,   I didn’t know what I was in for. It took me almost an hour to get out of the bed at the hospital to leave on the day of my surgery. I spent the next four days in so much pain. I couldn’t get up and down on my own,  and for about 2 of those days I had to have help walking as well. I pumped the first day to the best of my ability but the next day, the pain was just to much. All I wanted to do was sleep as to not feel it anymore. I would pump but already felt my supply diminishing. I started to lose it. On top of not being able to nurse my little girl I also could not hold her because I was in so much pain. I couldn’t stand it. I remember telling Nick.. “if I had only known this…” I wouldn’t have signed on for surgery.

I had enough milk saved up for two full days,  after that we had to start giving Coraline formula. I felt like a failure and as the days passed,  I was losing hope of being able to breastfeed her.  I felt my supply going. On the fifth day,  I was feeling better. I was able to hold Coraline as long as some one could place her in my lap. I was able to lay next to her. I wanted to breastfeed her,  so I did. I started putting her to my breast as much as she would allow, knowing that even if she wasn’t getting satisfied,  it was the best way. At least I was doing what I could.  I called Nancy, the lactation counselor at the hospital here and begged her for any help she could give me.

Her advice was to get an electric pump and pump after each nursing session. I was also told to  eat at least one serving of oatmeal a day and take blessed thistle and fenugreek supplements. My friend, Katie lent me her pump and I headed to The Herb Shop for my supplements. Within 5 days my supply was back to where it was before my surgery. It was perfect and I was so relieved. So was Coraline , who seemed to hate the formula as much as the bottle.

It’s been a little over 4 months now,  and I am still breastfeeding her. I intend to do so until she is 2 , or until she weans herself. I cannot express how much happier and more content we both are now that I am able to breastfeed her once again. The difference has been amazing. Even my husband has made mention of how much happier she is.

It has been such a blessing to have pretty easy breastfeeding journeys. I have two very happy, healthy children. Two children who I feel closer to because I breastfed them and had all of that intimate time to share with them so early on. My personal experience has allowed me bonding time and a closeness with my children that I don’t think I would have had any other way. I also feel confident to have had a hand in their nourishment. The hand that says that I know that I gave them the very best nourishment that was available. Nourishment derived from my body,  just like the nourishment they received while I was growing them inside me. It is a blessing and a gift from God. For that I am thankful.

Nursing my second child has been especially gratifying. I have been able to share what I once did with my son, with him in a different way. I am thankful that he has gotten to witness breastfeeding and what it is. I have been able to talk with him about it and share the importance of it with him;  in the best ways that you can with a 5 year old, mainly by him seeing it, and being included in some ways while I am doing it. It is still very much bonding time for me with both of my children. Eoghan and I often talk or play card games or maybe work on flash cards while I am breastfeeding Coraline. Eoghan asked a lot of questions at first,  like why I did fed Coraline in such a way and why he no longer needed to breastfeed. He doesn’t try to nurse his stuffed animals like many older girl siblings might after seeing their mother breastfeed, but he is comfortable around the act and is quick to be comfortable talking about it around other nursing and non-nursing mothers. I love being able to share in that with him. To know that I am giving my children a lesson that hopefully they will pass down to their children. Something that I think needs to happen more.

Ladies, I encourage you. We often hear of other’s birth stories or  pregnancy stories. I encourage you to share your breastfeeding journey. Share it with your friends, with your family, with your children. Talk about it. Embrace it. And most of all, enjoy it and treasure it. After all.. it is one of the most precious gifts from God.

*** A special thanks to my husband, Nick for taking the last two sets of photos for me.. since I could not figure out how to accomplish this even with the tripod 🙂

The smells of childhood from the garden

Ever since I was a little girl.. one of my favorite things all summer long was to wait as each different flower would bloom..then admire and smell it. I don’t know what it was. I was struck of the beauty of the flowers.. and the process in which they grew. Starting from a tiny seed or bulb and then growing into this amazing and beautiful thing… all different shapes, sizes, colors, and smells.


I am happy to say that love has carried over into Eoghan.. who is constantly wanting to trample through my flower beds and pick my flowers the moment they bloom. He’s starting to appreciate them more and leave them, understanding that if he picks them too soon.. we won’t get to enjoy them as long in the garden.   Here are some of our favorites this year.


This first photo has a bit of a story. This is a night blooming cereus. The mother plant was a neighbor of ours when I was in middle school living in Sikeston, Missouri. Mrs French shared my mom’s love of gardening.. and inspired greatly my love for orchids.. and more unusual plants. This is also known as a type of orchid cactus. It blooms once.. at night… usually on or around a full moon. I have seen Mrs French’s open once.. my mom took a cutting of that plant.. then when I got older.. she gave a cutting to me and my grandmother.. This is that plant.. I have had it for years.. sitting .. waiting for it to bloom. It never did. Mom’s still has never bloomed.. Well, last year I decided that I needed more room so I would put it in a hanging basket to consolidate. Well.. I have buds this year!!! And.. the large bud that you see here.. opened the one night I did not check on it. Bummer I know.. the other buds got really wet during one of the amazing rains we have had all season (one of the few) and fell off.. I do see three new flower buds forming.. so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I might actually see it bloom this year.


These are my naked ladies.. also know as amaryllis belladonna. I have had these bulbs for a good 4 years now.. and they have too never bloomed.. until now.. and aren’t they lovely?!


My ever growing Elephant Ears.. I have a ton of different varieties… different shapes and sizes.. one can really never have too many of these.


My cannas.. unlike the staple red ones with black leaves that I grew up with.. these are a little more my style.. yellow.. and orange and yellow cheetah like print.. love them!! And so do the hummingbirds.




Being a little boy.. he is always awestruck by the critters in my gardens… his favorite being the tree frogs which oddly enough were my favorites as a child to. I actually used to keep them as pets during the winter and set them free again once spring rolled around. So.. every time Eoghan spots one of these lime green beauties.. he races to find me to look at it with him.. and often tries to convince me that he should bring them inside to play with him “for a little while.”





Other summer fun has been bringing Eoghan’s easel out onto the front porch.. amongst many flowers to paint. He is so inspired by nature and the world around him. For that I am grateful. I can still smell those smells of my childhood. The smells that you get a faint wiff of now and it isn’t quite the same but brings a rush of memories and smiles to your face. The smell of the honeysuckle right as it blossoms.. or the smell of the earth and the concrete after a late summer thunderstorm.. or the smell of the four o’clocks that my mom always had blooming right outside our door.. that are now blooming right off our porch. I love those moments.. and I hope to pass that love.. and all of those late summer moments down to my children.. so that they can pass them down to theirs