Blog Archives

An Ode too Summer

Today is beautiful. The sun is out, the sky is clear, and I can breathe outside. I can smell fall in the air, or maybe that’s just the hurricane. Who knows. This is Eoghan’s second week of kindergarten and the adjustments have been great for all of us. A new schedule to get used to, new things that have to be done, more time here, and less time there… well, you get the point.

Nick started a new job and is now working with Hunter Cattle, and loving every minute of it. I have been busy with photos, organizing, and general get things done and help keep the kids sane. I have spent some time putting together a bit of a goodbye to summer. Well, this is South Georgia so I know this isn’t really the end but, a girl can wish, right?!


Our trips to splash




New kittens at grandma’s house




Our garden out at grandma’s
















Sibling Snuggles











Fun Art Projects





Cute little baby







A busy kitchen





….making lovely meals ( many using veggies from the garden)














Catching rain drops





… while sitting on the porch in the rain





Bow and arrows




Grandpa Tommy’s visit and learning how to build











Cutting with power tools





Playing with dad







Snuggles with mom… sorta










Hot Summer days





And  many’s favorite, WATERMELON









Its the simple things in life that bring the most joy. I am so thankful to Him for a loving husband, two beautiful kids, puppy dog tails, the friends and family that enrich my our life, wholesome foods and two hands in which to help grow them.




A week long of little blessings

I can’t help myself this week. My kids are inevitably growing up.. and I want to treasure every last moment of it. It is in these very small moments that I thank God for my family. For, it is these moments that I want to keep reliving.

Two kids learning the ups and downs of being brother and sister…

A simple and mundane task, made special by a silly outfit and a special little personality…

Fun summer days in my swim suit….

Small hands helping out around the house….

Beloved pets…

And.. watching the simplicity of the garden grow, and blossom…

A Garden Tea Party

I had been wanting to throw a tea party for little girls for some time now. My photography has been gearing me in so many different directions.  I want to focus more on kids being kids.  A little princess tea party was just the ticket. So.. with the help of many mommy friends.. we were able to pull this off yesterday.

It started at about 9:30. The heat was just starting to gear up.. but somehow we managed to get through the tea party before it got so hot that you couldn’t stand to be outside. We had a Cinderella and a Snow White show up to the party.. along with many other princesses. All decked out in their prettiest dresses. It was beautiful. We set up two tea areas in Katie’s beautiful back yard. ( you can visit her here,

Then .. the play time began !!!

And… then a bee came along

A very special thank you to Katie for letting us invade her back yard.. and to all the other moms bringing their little ones. It was truly a day to remember.. and did I mention how difficult it was to pick a “best of” to show off on my blog?!